sábado, 13 de agosto de 2011

Please kids, sit around in a circle with your legs crossed...

Today we are going to talk about a very serious subject.


fuk u daniel everwun hates ure music ur a weirdo yaddayaddayadda

Hey buddy:

Fuck you.

I remember one time I liked this one girl. She had another suitor, but of course, with my looks and charm, she was to pick me over him. Back on topic, I remember one day I was listening to some musics on my Sansa mp3 player (Because iPods are for pretentious roody-poos) whilst talking to the girl I just told you about. At which moment her suitor comes close. One thing leads to another, and the guy ends up with my mp3 player at his hands. He asks me "Do you have any dubstep?" (He actually said "don't you got no dubstep?") And since I'm a hipster faggot, I answer "No. I don't like dubstep".

He looked at me, indignated, as if I was some kind of circus freak. "Someone disliking something I like?! I feel appalled!" Is what, I think, was going through his mind. "But it's impossible! What I like and dislike is what draws the line between GOOD and BAD!!". He said "NIGGA HOW CAN YOU DISLIKE MUDAFUGGIN' DUBSTEP ARE U SUM CRAZY KIND O BULLSHITASSDHWAVBKJDHBAWKDHABKWDJHBAKWD" to which I responded with "I hate you".

The thing is, kids, "fashion". This is not an article flaming dubstep, or any other kind of genre for that matter. The thing is, people BELIEVE that music is objective, when it's the complete opposite. Music is as subjective as it can get. I am entitled to like whatever I want to like, and so are you. But don't try to bash your "style" on me, I'm not a nigger.


Anyhow, what I mean is, you have the right to say "I don't like this kind of music". But you are stupid if you say "This kind of music is BAD". Motherfucker if I want to listen to whatever I want to listen to, I can. If you want to listen to whatever you want to listen to, you can also. But don't expect me to like it. Your tendencies are none of my concern, and I can honestly say nobody's personal tendencies should be of anyone's concern. It's just common sense people.

So if you want to watch girls dancing on TV, shaking their ass'n'titties to a camera, faking a smile to hide their shame and daddy issues, be my guest. I respect that. But should I want to sacrifice goats in my backyard to the black metal god while singing the song of my people, you should respect that too.

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